there are times when there is just too much to say.. that you say nothing at all.. please excuse my absence.. i have too much to say..
there are times when i can't put down a book.. it tells a story of what i wish was the story of my life.. a book full of white pages with no words, and so much to say..
there are times when i feel the need to write.. i brush the dust off my pens and get a paper.. i sit there for hours, a million thoughts in my head.. i write nothing.. nothing at all.. i put my pen back and fold the paper beneath it.. i feel better.. i have said enough..
there are times when i think of u in silence.. i am sorry for what i have done wrong.. i am grateful for what u have done right! i tell u what u mean to me, in silence..
there are times when i am not sure u know.. i assure u.. i do know.. yet i say nothing..
nothing at all