Thursday, 22 October 2009


The rattling keeps coming back every once in a while..

I hear it in my dreams.. Sometimes its a car starting,

at other times its some sort of bird..

It goes away for a while.. Then comes back..

It begins drilling in my head all over again..

I wish it would stop!

I wish it would stop!

I wish it would JUST STOP!!!!!

I wake up, panting, my heart is racing..

I find myself in my room..

in my bed..

Same surroundings..

Same buzzing sound..

I reach out for the source of the sound..

I pick up my vibrating phone..

i take a deep breath

And hope, that today it will be different,

Today.. there will be good news..

Saturday, 10 October 2009

a friend in need...

When it comes to keeping in touch.. I'm not exactly what u would call a PRO!

I rarely pick up the phone when someone is calling unless its my parents or someone I'm meeting in a bit.. I don't do it on purpose, but I can always think of an excuse to make this a bad time to talk on the phone.. I would much rather txt, its seems more private to me..

The people closest to me know that its not personal at all.. They know its just the way I am.. So they always call again.. And I love them for it..

The thing is.. My family and I have been passing through a very difficult time as of recently.. I was so surprised by the amount of people who called, sent txt msgs, e-mailed, facebook messaged and even went as far as traveling to come be with me and my family in our time of need..

It has made me realise that regardless of how independent u are, and how much u think ur fine on ur own.. Its times like these that u need people around u.. It gives u strength.. A belief that things WILL get better..

I wish I could show my gratitude to everyone who has contacted me to make sure we were ok.. I did thank everyone, but I just feel like I should do more.. What exactly?! I'm not quite sure..

I do know, however, that I will do my best to be there for the people who need me and even the ones who don't know they do yet..

Moral of the story: next time u think ur visit, phone call, txt msg or any other form of contact won't make a difference.. Think again

TTYL everyone (I've decided to use these abbreviations that I'm sure lower ur IQ somehow cuz I'm trying to be cool)