Sunday, 11 May 2008

an opinion anyone?!..

i was reading this post (To you, women of arabia..) by trevelyana on ( and it got me thinking.. although what i have to say has'nt much to do with what she was saying.. i realised that the problem lies mostly within our society.. if the majority do this, then u must do the same..

since i was a little girl at school. i have never been asked for my opinion, if you take a look at the Saudi educational system, it is mostly based on memorising texts, and reciting what you have learned (word for word) at an exam. ur opinion is not of any interest to your markers. when i went abroad to study, i found that analytical skills were of the essence. in order to pass an exam, you must show understanding of the topic, and have AN OPINION, rather than reciting the author's opinion from the book you used to study.

Thankfully, my thoughts were not completely neglected growing up. as my opinion would be taken into consideration in the house were i grew up.

However, on the larger scale, as a society i am sorry to say that the majority of people need guidance before taking any steps. more distressing, people need to be guided on how to think. examples of this may be seen socially; what is socially accepted and what is not, does not necessarily make sense, but it is what u have been taught to think. even when it comes to religion, people will not take any actions (even minor ones) until they get the approval of a scholar (despite how dodgy his/her background may be)

as an Arab, u also learn to blame ur problems on other people or factors,, so today,, i have decided to blame the educational system in Saudi..

p.s. on the educational note, froggy ur right, exam time is the best time to blog!!!

p.p.s. sorry i don't know how to link the post


  1. el7emdillah i always have an opinion and it is always taken into consideration :)
    ..i also try my best to stop throwing the blame on others and be as responsible as i should be :D

    + Good luck in ur exams!

  2. that's great!! il7amdillah people are becoming more aware but it's just taking too long..

    oh and by the way, thanx :)

  3. you are completely right, the educational system is failing us.. and i'm afraid it will take more than just the recent minor changes to it to have an effect... but sadly enough, the influence at home is just as important, and no type of public awareness will ever change the hard heads at home... so it will be a long time before we see any change..

  4. i blame them too! :p nicely written, i thank u for stating the facts & lol @ p.p.s

  5. educational system!!
    you know i'm really sick of this whole thing

    go anywhere in this planet
    starts with the states and finish with indonesia
    everyone is blaming the educational system

    wither it's too tight and you can't express your opinion
    or it's too open!!

    but you guys seem to forget that this educational system made today's doctors, business and even the garbage dude

    there is nothin wrong with the educational system
    the system will put info in your head
    1+1 is 2
    italy is in europe
    it's not gonna make you the person you are now
    it will sure distribute
    but it won't make or change whoever you are

    your classmates
    your teachers
    your parents
    those might change somethin you are

    we are human.. we will always
    blame someone for somethin
    just stop screwin so much
    and you'll be fine
    you might as well drink milk and sleep early
    sugar free gums might help too

  6. Froggy.. we work at a turtle's pace.. maybe we will be lucky enough and the rest of the world will be the rabbit and we might just cross the finish line!!

    JD: Thank u very much

    Kay di: if u would reread my post, i mentioned that as an Arab we blame everything on other factors, and i sarcastically blamed the educational system.. however, i realise that the problem lies within..

    what i was talking about was that our educational system does not help u think for yourself.. then i went on to the social life which yet again, does not help u think for yourself..

    i thank u for ur comment, and i agree with u that there is good in the educational system too..


  7. Thank you for good information~~*

    Please comeback to visit my blog too :

    I'm sorry , If you think this is spam. but may i thank you again.


  8. Even though this is an old post and an old blog, It is really refreshing and as a Saudi female, I appreciate your open and logical mindset, since most Saudi's follow religious texts/scholars despite those texts being contradictory and hateful and condoning a hierarchy, be it gender based, religious based or slave/non-slave based. On an amusing note, I was told by a friend of yours that 'I would be punished by God and many other things' a few years ago even though I did not know her personally and vice-versa, anyway she is from a completely different generation from you and I - This is a perfect example of how Saudi's like to play a 'blame-game'. However, I just find it funny how Saudi's avoid questioning things that are embedded in our society as means of social-organisation and control. Aside from that, I hope all is well :)
